Monday, October 18, 2010

I'll Bet O'Donnell Can At Least Recite the Golden Rule (Update: Coons losing ground in latest poll)

Cross-posted at Conservatives4Congress.

It's rather revealing what constitutes an unforgiveable gaffe among liberals. After Wednesday's debate, the usual leftwing vipers were gloating about Christine O'Donnell being unable to immediately cough up a disagreeable recent Supreme Court decision when asked to do so by a biased Coons cheerleader  moderator. They even took the opportunity to use the so-called gaffe to remind everyone that the equally "unqualified" Gov. Sarah Palin was unable to acceptably answer the same question posed by failing news anchoress Katie Couric on the 2008 campaign trail.

Certainly knowing which Supreme Court cases you disagree with, and having the liberal questioner arbitrarily tell you that your answer must either be a "recent" case or not Roe v. Wade is vitally important to vying for federal office. Now more than ever. Because it's a fact that the 15 million people standing in unemployment lines in America, according to recent estimates, actually while away the hours discussing disagreeable recent Supreme Court rulings, including the well-known 2005 Kelo vs. City of New London decision that everyone has on the tips of their tongues. Most unemployed job seekers are bitching about that very case right now, lamenting that even if the bank doesn't decide to foreclose on their house next month, the government might just swoop in and seize it anyway through eminent domain, you know? Where's the "Cursed by Kelo" movement when you need it?

Meanwhile, as the press strained at O'Donnell's "legal" gnat, they inexplicably swallowed Obama's "moral" camel. Less than three weeks ago, without any noticeable blowback, Obama completely flubbed the central tenet of Christianity -- his professed faith -- and arguably the single most transformative concept in the history of the world, something so profound, yet so simple, any school child could probably recite it verbatim.

At a photo-op backyard event in Albuquerque, New Mexico, while awkwardly attempting to answer the question "Why are you a Christian?" Obama said this:
"It was because, uh, the precepts of Jesus Christ, spoke to me in terms of the kind of life I would want to lead. Being my brothers' and sisters' keeper. Treating others as they would treat me."Treating others as they would treat me.

Seriously, treating others as they would treat me.

(I listened to it three times because I couldn't believe the press didn't hit him on this. It's what the man said. Click on the "Why are you a Christian" link if you don't believe me.)

No wonder people question whether President Obama is a Christian! And given that versions of the Golden Rule permeate every faith on the planet, one might question likewise if President Obama is actually from Earth.

The phrase you're looking for is right here in the Bible, Mr. President ...

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." (Matthew 7:12, see also Luke 6:31 and Tob. 4:15)The common English phrasing is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

We're supposed to treat others as we ourselves would wish to be treated, not as we are actually treated. It's rather an important distinction, don't you think? Obama seems to have confused the Golden Rule with an Alinsky Rule: Do unto others before they do it unto you. (Kinda puts the rushed stimulus and healthcare bills into proper light doesn't it?)

Why would we assume O'Donnell might know about this foundational rule of Christianity that somehow eluded Obama in a moment of pressured questioning -- and without his trusty teleprompter? Because she's a devout Roman Catholic, and a similar version of the Golden Rule has appeared in the Catholic Catechism since at least 1583, or in other words, since Ms. O'Donnell was born into the Wilmington Catholic Coven.

Via the Catholic Catechism:



1789 Some rules apply in every case:

- One may never do evil so that good may result from it;

- The Golden Rule: "Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them."Amazingly, in addition to believing in the Golden Rule, devout Catholics are trained to believe that good ends never come from bad means. (Yes, Bart Stupak and Mary Landrieu -- we're looking at you!)

Which means devout Catholics would make lousy Alinskyites.

"Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times," Alinsky wrote in his last book, "Rules for Radicals," adding that "all values are relative in a world of political relativity."Word from close sources is that O'Donnell likes to spend hours discussing the philosophy and teachings of Pope Benedict.

Word from not-so-close sources is that Obama likes to spend hours discussing the philosophy and teachings of Saul Alinksy.

Maybe that's why he flubs the Golden Rule.

And a press who doesn't attend Sunday School doesn't notice.

Pope Benedict XVI

Saul Alinsky

Update: According a new Rasmussen report, Christine O'Donnell has cut into Coons' lead quite signifantly since their debate. She now trails by just 11 points after being written off as a 19-20-point sure loser. Here's a write-up I just finished.

Sarah Palin Chelsa Clinton Michelle Obama Sean Hannity Glenn Beck

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