Thursday, November 25, 2010

Distinguishing Between ANWR and TARP

Allahpundit and others have posed this question throughout the last two years:She?s making a point, rather, about elitist anticompetitive tendencies, which presumably means she?s referring to TARP and the feds? habit of propping up banks that can?t survive without taxpayer assistance. Except, of course, that McCain also supported the bank bailout in 2008 and Palin, being a good soldier, defended him for it in her interview with Katie Couric. That?s fine ? being VP means you?ve got to parrot the nominee most of the time ? but there were some issues, like ANWR and the Federal Marriage Amendment, about which she felt strongly enough to break from the McCain campaign party line. The question is about why Governor Palin was willing to break from the McCain line on ANWR and not break from the McCain line on TARP during the campaign. The answer is pretty simple.The answer is that she had already formulated a position on ANWR prior to her being asked to join the McCain campaign. At the time she joined the campaign, she did not have a position on TARP because nobody did. Nobody could have had a position on TARP at the time she was asked to join the ticket because it didn't exist. The idea of TARP didn't exist at the time because the stock market hadn't crashed at the time she was asked to join the ticket. TARP only came into existence weeks after she had joined the ticket and by that time, she was obligated to toe the McCain line.Nearly everything written about TARP and the stock market crash suggests that Governor Palin had grave reservations about TARP that she could not express publicly given that McCain supported it. She told Paulson that "Hank, Americans don?t like bailouts."

John Kerry George Will George Bush global warming Joe Biden

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